Director of the Department of Medical Genetics and Head of the Centre for Rare Diseases
UZ Leuven, Belgium
Professor Geert Mortier is a certified paediatrician and clinical geneticist. He is currently Director of the Centre of Human Genetics at UZ Leuven and affiliated as full professor in Medical Genetics at the KU Leuven. He is also affiliated professor at the Manipal University in India.
He has a strong research interest in growth diseases and genetic disorders of the skeleton. He participates in several expert networks for skeletal dysplasias and is member of the scientific medical committee and medical advisory board for several companies and agencies. He is currently coordinator of the Flemish Network for Rare Bone Disorders and International Coordinating Investigator for the Dreambird study (a natural history study for achondroplasia sponsored by Therachon/Pfizer).
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